Compendium Application

A Custom Solution Developed for an Adjusting Firm

application development
database search services

Professionals from frontline adjusters to LAT advocates can access inHEALTH’s  LAT Compendium Service to help guide decision-making, drive effective and efficient evaluation, and prepare for LAT proceedings.

The goal: decisions from the Licence Appeal Tribunal with search filters that put information at the user’s fingertips

inHEALTH, an independent adjusting firm, created a License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) Compendium Service to provide professionals from frontline adjusters to LAT advocates with a collection of tools designed to help them assess risk and achieve the best outcome. The service contains a database that provides a collection of relevant and searchable data points that inform on the outcome of disputed accident benefit claims.

In order to bring ease and precision to LAT decision searches, inHealth engaged eCrew to build a custom database application with criteria and keywork searching functions, as well as filtering capabilities, quick links to full details, plus saving and printing capabilities. In the backend, inHealth staff can manage the database, track usage, manage subscriptions and members.


Interface & User Experience Design
Case Manager
Data Set Manager
Submissions Manager
Access Level Manager
User Email Manager
Usage Reports
Web Hosting & Maintenance


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705 445 5051

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613 884 0063

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250 514 0799

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