Compelling, Quality Websites that Differentiates Your Firm

website development
client services software

Providing an identity to grow with changing ambitions and a content plan that quickly establishes trust with new prospects is the goal.
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Changing web technology is forcing businesses in all industries to change the way they present themselves to the world – law firms, financial services firms and human resources firms are no exception. Branding, technology, integrations, marketing rules, security, user experience, design, audience, photography and SEO are all essential elements of a high performance website.


Creative Web Design
Client Services Software Application
Content Recommendations
Website Hosting & Maintenance

From our first contact with you Michele, it was evident you were interested in understanding the unique nuances of our company, people, process, value proposition and overall message we were looking to convey to the business leaders visiting our website. Your consultative approach and systematic process provided a website development journey that was effective and efficient in gathering ‘key’ insights that would in-turn be the foundation from which you would go forth and build our website. Your ability to take a great amount of information and distill it down to impactful and succinct messages was exceptional. Your creativity and vision on how best to tie together our website copy, images, look and feel was magical. I remember the excitement our team would have when receiving an email with a link to open and view a newly created webpage! Finally, as a busy business owner I can’t thank you enough for your patience, flexibility and professionalism in how you led our team through this website development project. You are truly a great business partner to work with and through, Michele!
Peter Rouse

President, Rouse Resources Inc.

Other Projects

Compendium Application

InHealth’s interactive source for the most up to date decisions from the Licence Appeal Tribunal with search filters that put information at their clients’ fingertips.


Medical Report Application

An online program for chiropractors that assists in performing and reporting on infant exams.